Superman: The Man of Steel

  • $ 21.95

In Superman: The Man of Steel villain Brainiac 13 has unleashed an unstoppable army of robotic drones that destroy everything in their path. To stop these drones from creating a giant Brainiac 13 monolith, Superman must travel to the far reaches of space and into the depths of the Phantom Zone. Back on Earth, Superman's arch nemesis Lex Luthor has designs of his own, and plans to use Brainiac 13's technology in his bid for world domination. You will battle a legion of Brainiac 13's robot drones with lightning-fast, third-person, arcade-style action, and have full access to all of Superman's powers throughout the game. The roster of legendary super villains includes Lex Luthor, Metallo, Bizarro, Mongul, the Cyborg, and the fiend behind it all, Brainiac 13. There are lush, gigantic, photorealistic environments, from the sweeping cityscape of futuristic Metropolis to the hostile environs of Warworld.

Product Details
UPC: 742725235816
Genre:Ā Action, Adventure
Platform: Xbox
Region:Ā NTSC (N. America)
Rating:Ā Teen